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service news

2018, 21st May

Advisory and maintenance services for technological equipment at Shaoguan I&S

Danieli Service team performed breakdown mill and manipulator maintenance

Chinese steelmaker Shaoguan, in Guangdong province, has operated for five years without any overhauling the breakdown mill and manipulator supplied by Danieli in 2012.

Recently, in view of a scheduled shutdown, Shaoguan relied on Danieli Service to ensure smooth and efficient maintenance activities.

The Danieli Service team started supporting Shaoguan with advisory services for the technological equipment, beginning with a survey listing the possible replacement of spares, preparing special tools, issuing procedures and schedules for dismounting and reassembly, and also proposing the placement and roles for personnel. 

This was followed by plant maintenance intervention and commissioning scheduled by Shaoguan six months after the analysis of the equipment.

Equipment evaluation and maintenance are essential for a continuous quality and efficient production. 

Danieli Service performs maintenance services for steelmaking, casting, rolling and finishing processes.


For more info:
Paolo Saccavini
+86 512 52267027