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new orders

2018, 23rd February

Another Danieli steelmaking plant in the Middle East region

United Brothers Holding orders new complete plant for the production of billets

United Brothers Holding -which has its core business in Kurdistan, in the oil and gas sector- awarded Danieli with the order for a new steelmaking plant.

The plant will be installed within an existing building in the industrial area of Khor Al Zubair, near Bassora.

The new steelmaking plant will have a production capacity of 500,000 tpy of billets.
It consists of a 70-t Electric Arc Furnace, a 70-t Ladle Furnace equipped with ladle lifting system to avoid crane engagement for ladle transfer car exchange, a material handling system serving EAF and LF with ferroalloys and additives, and a fume dedusting plant filtering both EAF and LF. A 9-m radius Continuous Caster Machine, will produce 150x150 mm square billets on four strands.

Danieli will provide all technological equipment including Danieli Automation L1 and L2 automation systems, as well as advisory service for erection and plant startup.


In order to reduce CapEx one of the main issues of the meltshop rehabilitation is the recovery of the existing civil works infrastructures.

A team of specialists will perform a detailed mapping the overall site in 3D to help future design.

The preassembly of the several parts also is foreseen in order to reduce the erection activities.


United Brothers Holding will act as agent for the Iraqi Ministry of Industry, which will manage the entire minimill plant.

Project execution will take less than two years with production startup expected by Summer 2019.



For more info:
Aldo Tellatin
+39 0432 195 8373