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new orders
2018, 15th June
Danieli Q-Melt® automatic EAF and continuous scrap charge at DeAcero Ramos
Reduced process variability, higher productivity and lower energy consumption
Leading Mexican steelmaker DeAcero has awarded Danieli with an order for the Q-Melt® - Dynamic Heat Suite and new continuous scrap charge system for the electric arc furnace in operation at Ramos minimill.
Q-Melt® Dynamic Heat Suite is the latest evolution of the automatic control of the EAF at any stage of the melting process.
Melt-Model is the core of the system and continuously interacts with the Q-Reg electrode regulator and the LINDARC gas analyzer to control operating conditions.
Furthermore, it automatically identifies deviations in process-controlled variables, correcting them according to the best possible practice to avoid energy losses.
An higher and consistent EAF performance results in higher productivity and lower energy consumption.
Installation is planned by June 2019
Typical payback of Q-Melt package is less than 8 months.
For further information:
Paulo da Costa
+39 0432 195 5794