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service news

2018, 26th February

Danieli Service intervention on aluminum hot-strip mill

Danieli China Service Team diagnoses and solves HAGC problem at Nanshan Light Alloy

This intervention refers to the performance of the 1+4 hot-strip mill producing light alloy strip up to 2,100 mm.

Two problems needed to be solved: the difference in strip thicknesses between the two sides of the strip when rolling hard material (5xxx or 8xxx series), and between head/tail when rolling soft material (1xxx or 3xxx series).

The engineers of Danieli China Service Team conducted a complete diagnosis of mill mechanical equipment, automation, and the hydraulic system. The investigation determined that the problem was caused by a quick opening of the HAGC valves, and the HAGC servo drive was replaced.

Thanks to Danieli Service, Nanshan was able to resume production without a long shutdown.

Danieli Service provides steel and nonferrous metals producers with plant upgrades, conditioning monitoring systems, maintenance, production assistance, training and original spares, worldwide. 


For more info:
Paolo Saccavini
+86 512 52267027