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plants startup
2017, 13th January
New design, high-performance Danieli CNC shear installed at AMAG
It will cut a very wide range of automotive and aerospace aluminum coils
Designed, manufactured and tested at Danieli Fröhling in Meinerzhagen (Germany), the new CNC shear has just been installed at Amag, Austria and is ready to start commissioning.
The shear’s primary function is edge trimming or slitting for as many as 4 strips of automotive materials and other aluminium alloys, with a maximum width of 2,450 mm.
The special design of the new shear means that a wide range of strip thicknesses from 0.15 to 3.5 mm can be processed, minimizing setup times and number of cutting tool due to reduced need for spacers and ejector rings.
Each of the ten knife heads can be individually adjusted both axially and vertically, thereby always ensuring the optimal gap / overlap for the selected cutting program.
It will be the new benchmark in slitting technology.
For more info:
Michael Kotas
+49 2354 7082 131