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2018, 21st June

Research and business in the hotbed that forges industrial furnaces

A hotbed of experiments and research: This is the ideal word to define Danieli Centro Combustion’s R&D center for combustion systems, located on the Campus in the city of Savona. This is where, once again, research, experimentation and business come together.

“Here, surrounded by young people, there is ample room for growth”.

A hotbed of experiments and research: This is the ideal word to define Danieli Centro Combustion’s R&D center for combustion systems, located on the Campus in the city of Savona. This is where, once again, research, experimentation and business come together.

A hotbed - and this should rightly be noted - of ideas and prototypes. But also a model shop, where once the models have been checked and prepared, they are launched into production and then onto the market, as part of one of the most well-known industrial brands in Italy that is exported all over the world (exports account for more than 90%): Daniel, which specifically selected Savona and its university for the purpose of experimentation.
“Why the Savona Campus? Because it is the ideal location to conduct research – explains the Vice-President of Danieli Combustion - Matteo Giacomo Ricci – “We have been here since 2012 and have found the perfect area in which to combine experimentation, technology and sufficient space. In addition to the enthusiasm of the young students and engineers that are connected with the Campus.”
This is the turning point that creates a link between the workplace with the university, providing significant opportunities for youths. “We are constantly searching for new talent” says Ricci. We seek young university students who are about to graduate, and ready for an apprenticeship and a training experience with us.

These are very important opportunities for the future which, in some cases, while the students are actually preparing their degree theses, can become starting points for research doctorates, and perhaps in the future, can turn into actual jobs. The University of Genoa and the Campus “turn out” highly knowledgeable engineers. I have ascertained that more than 50% of them are better than average. But some shortcomings were noticed with regard to practical skills: concrete experience. And this is why for years now I have been urging the Campus youths to: seize any opportunity to experience the reality of industry and of the workplace. Danieli’s doors are open.”
It is no coincidence that the two employees of the experimentation center in the hangar of Legino are former Campus students. Matteo Mazza, head of the laboratory, and Giovanni Carozzo, specialist in thermo-fluid dynamic simulations.

“Danieli – says Ricci- manufactures furnaces for heavy industry.
High temperatures to melt metals from steel to aluminum. Here we have four furnaces where we are experimenting on new burners with new features: greater resistance, less pollution, and less consumption. Simulations, tests, prototypes and then, once a significant result has been reached, we begin to produce them”.
The product, which is supplied to every corner of the world, is created right here in Savona. An opportunity the students should take advantage of.


To read the article in Italian click here.