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new orders

2018, 20th February

Spooled bars in coils made in Japan

Topy Industries orders K-Spool line from Danieli

Topy Industries has chosen Danieli K-Spool technology to produce hot-rolled, high-quality compact coils to serve a demanding downstream market.

This new installation will make Topy Industries the first Japanese steelmaker to operate spooler technology. 


Perfectly shaped, no-twist spooled bars will be wound into compact coils by two K-Spool stations independently served by separate lifting forks, by means of two Danieli horizontal spooler stations.


Danieli Automation will provide automation and control systems, while strapping and labelling equipment will be manufactured by Swedish Sund Birsta (Danieli Group).


The project will be coordinated by Danieli Engineering Japan in Yokohama.

The line is planned to start production with D10, D13 and D16 bar products in Autumn 2018.


For more info:
Sandro Orlando
+39 0432 195 8083

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