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2017, 6th October

Unveiling Q-ONE

Danieli EAF efficient energy source through new high-performance power unit

 The electric power used by an EAF, typically, covers around 20% of the total operational costs.

As steelmakers move to rely more on renewable energy sources, the power-grid providers require stricter compliance with the quality of applied loads.

To improve steelmakers competitiveness and sustainability, Danieli Automation has designed, installed and commissioned Q-ONE: a new power unit able to run conventional AC EAFs without generating the problems caused by reactive power, flicker and harmonics to the network.


Based on control capabilities provided by power electronic semiconductors, Q-ONE reduces EAF overall electric power consumption with a shorter power-on time, as well as considerably lower electrode consumption.


Q-ONE is a modular system that can be implemented at any time on new or existing AC EAFs, meaning that the EAF no longer requires transformers or SVC filters to perform reliably.

Q-ONE allows the use of multi electric power sources simultaneously. Furthermore, its modularity allows easy expansion when more power is required.


Finally, Q-ONE gives tremendous flexibility allowing EAF operation in cases of individual power unit failure, as well as operating the furnace at full power with just two electrodes.


Q-ONE reduces OpEx due to higher efficiency, lower energy and electrode consumption; typical return of investment for new or upgraded EAF is less than 24 months, depending on local energy and electrode costs.


After the completion of the development of the first industrial application, Q1 is now available for wide distribution to the market, with the next unit -for a 35t AC EAF- in operation by Spring 2018.


For more info
Manuel Bianco
+39 0432 195 7557