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2016, 7th June

ESF Elbe Stahlwerke Riesa goes sizing to enhance quality coils production

The 4th CSB-Compact Sizing Block with M2 Multiple drive technology lands in Germany after the successful installation in Italy and China

The existing ESF mill will be modernized with a new wire rod production outlet, equipped with the three-stand CSB-Compact Sizing Block, with M2 multiple drive technology. After the modernization the plant will roll 5.5 to 16 mm dia. plain and deformed wire rod into 2,400 kg coils at the rolling speed of up to 115 m/s, with better end-product size tolerances and ovality.

The product mix includes low and medium carbon grades for reinforcing and cold drawing applications. The supply also includes a high-tech OFB-Oil Film Bearing loop laying head (patented) with associated auxiliaries and WCC-Wire Rod Controlled Cooling line. The CSB is the ideal answer to meet all requirements for the modernization of wire rod mills in terms of consistent production of high-quality products and flexibility. The M2 multiple drive technology means that each module of the CSB block is driven by an independent motor. This solution allows a better control of the ov erspeed set-up for each finished round thus resulting in excellent and constant finished product qualities and tolerances. The electrical part will be supplied by Danieli Automation.

The plant start-up is scheduled for the beginning of 2017.