The history of Danieli Group
Since 1995, through Danieli Academy, the company has been collaborating with high schools and universities, promoting the “learning-by-doing” concept, sharing solid projects that give strong motivation to students and teachers.

Danieli Academy - making a valid contribution in terms of professional updating and improvements
Starting from 2009 with the Nido project and followed by Zerotredici Educational Hub in 2015, founded and managed by Paola Perabò, we are not only offering childcare services to families but also promoting the development of soft skills and a spirit of initiative in pupils.
This school offers an international-standard education and its students may attend a Cambridge school anywhere in the world.

Danieli School Complex: Nursery (3 months to 3-years), Kindergarten (3 to 6-years), Primary school (6 to 10-years) and Junior High School (10 to 13-years)