Ethics and


Integrity, protection and professional development of human resources, sustainability, protection of intellectual property and transparency are the principles and values which guide Danieli in its internal decisions and relations with all stakeholders.
The Code of Ethics is intended to collect the above in one single document, together with the rules of conduct that the recipients of the document must adhere to.

We, in Danieli, are aware of the consequences of bribery and corruption have in the global marketplace. For this reason, Danieli Group has adopted an Anticorruption Policy which defines a system of principles, values and safeguards intended to provide guidelines and disseminate the Danieli Group’s anti-corruption culture.

The Model of Prevention, Management and Control 231 adopted by Danieli & C. Officine Meccaniche S.p.A. has the aim of defining a structured and consistent system of control procedures and activities in order to minimize the risk of committing offences provided for in Decree Law 231/01. 

Danieli has adopted an Ethics and Integrity Line, a whistleblowing platform that allows anyone to report, anonymously or otherwise, conduct that is in conflict with the law, the Code of Ethics or with the Danieli Group’s internal regulations.