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academy news
2018, 20th April
Career day at the University of Trieste
We took part in the Career Day, also known as Job@UniTS, organized by the University of Trieste.

We had the chance to meet interesting young people and collect job applications.
Based on the feedback from the participants we understood that they were eager to join our team.
“I've read some of your chairman’s interviews and the articles about the company and I must say that I like your vision and your point of views,” - said one of them.
Another one stated: “Danieli provides opportunities to improve skills. I like the idea of working at the construction sites where my knowledge can be applied into practice.”
“Your company has been in business for more than 100 years, your name is well recognized and you are among the top 5 players in the metal industry market - very compelling reasons to take my chances and apply for a job,” commented a young undergraduate.
Thank you all for participating and sharing your observations!