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2015, 20th October
On October 17, 2015, for the presentation of the Danieli Group’s 2014/2015 Annual Report, Danieli’s Chairman and CEO Gianpietro Benedetti met with the Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi
Following the welcoming ceremony and the presentation of the Danieli Group’s economic figures by the Chairman, it was then the Prime Minister’s turn to speak. Referring to a slide used in the presentation given just a few moments earlier, he pointed out that the company’s strategy based on the school system, merit, family and less bureaucracy is also on the government’s agenda, while underscoring that these are in fact the fundamental points of the government’s policy, and that some are already being implemented.
Mr. Benedetti, speaking to an audience made up of employees and stakeholders and to the Prime Minister, declared: “We have faith in this government because it is demonstrating energy and courage and especially because it has a vision for the growth of this country. Let’s hope that it finishes what it began”.
“We have to bear in mind that the school system does not only belong to the people employed in it - said later Prime Minister Renzi - and that money alone is not enough to make it better. What is needed is the attention of politicians. Therefore, just like in the case of the birth rate, which is the lowest in Europe, the work stability introduced by the Jobs Act is certainly helpful but this is not enough because what helps families is above all hope in Italy’s future”.
The Prime Minister then concluded his speech by saying “I wish to honor the professionalism of Danieli’s working women and men all over the world, who make us proud of our capacity to innovate, to solve problems and to create relationships with local authorities. These are the people who keep the Italian flag flying”.
This year, to entertain its guests during the breaks in the ceremony, the Danieli Group invited the Friulan marching band “Quella mezza sporca dozzina” onto the stage, to remind all those present of the great importance of hanging on to our tradition and roots in this globalized world.
At the end of the ceremony Mr. Benedetti presented the Prime Minister with a sculpture of a forger in the hope “that you will be able to forge the country”
Accompanied by the President of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Debora Serracchiani, the Prime Minister, together with Mr. Benedetti, went to ABS (Acciaierie Bertoli Safau), where Mr. Renzi inaugurated the new rotoforge plant for the production of long products, in which Danieli has invested 200 million euros. “This plant – declared Alessandro Trivillin, Chief Executive Officer of ABS – will make a product representing the evolution and joining of the two traditional hot deformation techniques for long special steels”.
Also present at the ceremony was the top management of ABS, with the Chairman Carla de Colle and the Chief Executive Officer Alessandro Trivillin, together with the Vice-president of the Region, Sergio Bolzonello.
A few minutes after the rotoforge ribbon-cutting ceremony, the Prime Minister stated: ”The sign that Italy has a great future is visible in the ability and quality of working women and men who have always believed in our country. Congratulations to those who were able to invest even during difficult years”.
After it was started up, the new plant was blessed by the archbishop of Udine Andrea Bruno Mazzocato.