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plants startup
2018, 7th June
First spooled coil made in USA
It was produced in endless mode at Commercial Metals Company’s new micro mill, CMC Steel Oklahoma, supplied by Danieli
Top-quality spooled bars in coil “made in the USA, for the US market” are now available from Commercial Metals Company’s (CMC) new micro mill, CMC Steel Oklahoma, located in Durant, Oklahoma. CMC recently held a dedication ceremony in April for the new mill.
Danieli K-Spool technology allows the production of hot-rolled, high-quality, perfectly shaped compact coils. These twist-free spooling, high-filling factor, heavy, easy to handle coils are preferred, added-value feeding product of the downstream rebar fabricating industry. CMC’s spooled rebar will be available in sizes #3 to #6 (10 to 19 mm) and in 1.5 up to 4.8 ton spools.
CMC Steel Oklahoma is the first endless casting rolling micro mill in the world to produce spooled bars in coils. Outstanding final product quality was produced by CMC from the first coil as you can see represented in the photos
Currently, CMC is operating two micro mills supplied by Danieli. The first, commissioned in Mesa, Arizona, in 2009, and in Durant, Oklahoma, since spring of 2018.
Danieli micro mill technology is a continuous casting and rolling process with a single uninterrupted billet strand from melting to finished product. Danieli micro mills are driven by Danieli Automation advanced 3Q process control systems, including full data analysis and reporting. Due to compact layout, energy savings and advanced process control system, it offers the best CapEx and OpEx.
For more info:
Paolo Losso
+39 0432 195 8915