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new orders
2015, 28th October
JSW Steel once again chooses Danieli long products casting technology
New order for an additional continuous casting machine in Salem, India
JSW Steel Limited has awarded Danieli the order for a new 3-strand bloom caster to be installed in the existing steel plant in Salem.
This plant already has a similar caster, which was also supplied by Danieli about 6 years back, so this repeat order demonstrates the customer’s confidence in Danieli’s continuous casting technology. The caster is equipped with stopper rod control, MEMS and air-mist cooling, and is also designed for the future installation of FEMS and Dynamic Mechanical Soft Reduction. The new caster will convert the additional steel that will be produced in the steel meltshop, following the overall increase of iron and steelmaking in the Salem Plant.
The JSW Steel – Salem plant produces high-quality steel bars for engineering and automotive applications.
For Danieli, this is the fourth long product caster supplied to the JSW group following the first bloom caster in Salem, and the two billet casters at the Vijayanagar and Dolvi works.