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corporate information
2017, 10th July
Merging of Danieli Henschel GmbH/Kassel into Danieli Germany GmbH
Effective 30.06.2017
Effective 30.06.2017, Danieli Germany GmbH has taken over all shares of Danieli Henschel GmbH located in Kassel. With the integration of the company into Daniel Germany GmbH, the Danieli group has concluded its German streamlining of the group structure according to its planning, allowing for increased effectiveness and efficiency within the German operations. The location of Danieli Henschel will remain in Kassel, however effective from 30.09.2017 the office will move to its new, most modern offices at the center of Kassel.
All company representatives remain the same, serving now as part of the global Product Line, Danieli Centro Recycling.
For further more info:
Eric Fromont
+49 561 801 5993