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2015, 31st August
NELA Approves New Danieli 85-MN Plate Stretcher
Chinese strip processor Northeast Light Alloy Co. Ltd. confirmed its preliminary acceptance in June 2015
Northeast Light Alloy Co. Ltd., in Harbin, China, founded in 1952 and since 2007 a part of the Chinalco Group, is one of the main producers of aluminium and magnesium alloys in China.
To enhance NELA's production of various high-value produtcs, it chose Danieli to install the 85-MN plate stretcher, including auxiliaries and a complete automation system developed and designed by Danieli Automation.
The supply included mechanical equipment, as well as an automation system and supervision at erection and start-up. Thanks to the production flexibility guaranteed by the Danieli Group facilities, part of the mechanical equipment is manufactured at the Italian workshops of Buttrio and part by the Danieli Chinese workshops.
This stretcher is designed to process products in a wide range of thicknesses, with high surface quality and high performance requirements for alloys of series 2xxx, 5xxx, 6xxx and 7xxx. These products are supplied to customers for various applications, including aviation, aerospace, weapons production, ship building, petroleum, and chemical processing industries, and transportation.
The site activities began in October 2014, and the first plate was stretched in June 2015, thanks to the joint efforts of the Danieli team and the customer’s erection company. The Preliminary Acceptance Certificate (PAC) was signed on June 24, 2015.
Since the stretching of the first plate the machine has been effective at processing all the plates in NELA’s production program, demonstrating the capability and reliability of Danieli’s stretcher technology.
Today, thanks to the good results achieved during erection and commissioning, a long-term strategy relationship with NELA has been established.