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plants startup
2024, 8th January
A new Danieli long-product rolling mill in operation in Brazil
Sinobras rolling mill #2 is the first plant running a Danieli bar spooler in Latin America

Brazilian Aço Cearense Group’s Siderúrgica Norte Brasil (Sinobras) officially produced the first steel coil at its rolling mill #2 in Marabá, Pará state, Brazil.
The purpose of the investment was to increase production capacity by adding 500,000 tpy of wirerod and spooled rebar in coils.
Supplied by Danieli, the new rolling mill features an innovative, full cantilever stand configuration with total 26 passes. Ten cantilever stands arranged in H/V configuration are followed by a series of Delta-type, fast-finishing blocks –45° design– for the remaining 16 passes of the reduction sequence.
The new mill allows Sinobras to produce plain rounds from 5.5 to 16 mm dia and rebar from 6.3 to 16 mm dia, at a maximum finishing speed of 110 m/s. The two finishing lines for wirerod and rebar-in-coil foresee the provisions for in-line quenching and tempering.
Sinobras is the first steelmaker in Brazil to produce added-value, twist-free spooled bars in coils by using Danieli spooler technology. Spooled bars do not require unwind and rewind before use in downstream lines. Danieli spooler technology ensures the best metallurgical uniformity through the whole coil.
- Lodovicomaria Miani
- +39 340 71 72774