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plants startup
2021, 10th March
Danieli heavy-duty straightener in operation at Topy, Japan
Roll-change sequence is performed in 30 minutes only
Topy Industries Limited, Japan, is operating its new off-line straightener for long products, installed at the Toyohashi plant where it is already running the first spooler line in Japan, supplied by Danieli in 2018.
With a weight of 60 tons the new machine is working separately from the rolling line, straightening profiles and sections including equal, unequal and inverted angles, grating beams, deformed flats and mast rails.
According to Topy’s specific request, the machine was designed in order to allow roll-change sequences in just 30 minutes.
The 60-t straighter, which had been manufactured at the Danieli quality workshops in China, was shipped as a single piece to Topy’s private dock.
Project erection and commissioning phase were carried out with a reduced number of Danieli supervisors on-site and with the help of Danieli remote support.
- Andrea Bulfone
- +39 346 626 6087