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academy news
2021, 7th December
Danieli wins another award for Excellence in Dual Training
The Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien) recognized our accomplishments and strong contribution to Work-Integrated Learning for the second time
The Italian-German Chamber of Commerce (AHK Italien) awarded Danieli with the “Award for Excellence in Dual Training”.
This is the second time we have won this prestigious recognition. The last time it was in 2019 for the INTE.S.A. project.
In 2021, its successor named ITEM (Information Technology, Electronics & Mechanics) stood out as the best one.
This project, done in partnership with ISIS Arturo Malignani and ISIS Lower Friuli of Cervignano, is the result of a collaboration between teachers and experts in various subjects. Its important factor is the commitment and powerful motivation that the teachers have been able to convey to the students, creating an excellent team spirit together with the company’s expert professionals.
The activities carried out and still under way include apprenticeships, co-teaching, interaction between school and business departments, collaboration among students from various departments and schools, assistance and participation of the company’s technicians in lab and other activities, use of telecommunications tools, videoconferences for both groups and individuals with students-teachers-company professionals.
IT.E.M. aims to boost skills and shape the learning strategy while focusing on profiles and competences related to new and emerging job opportunities.