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new orders
2021, 19th January
Endless billet welding and bar spooling for Nucor Plymouth
Order for Danieli K-Weld and K-Spool technologies

The American producer Nucor Steel awarded Danieli the order for a new billet welder and spooler line to be installed at Plymouth, Utah.
Thanks to this upgrade the line will process 250,000 tpy of rebar from #3 to #8, in compact coils up to 5.5 tons.
The project also includes the extension of the existing reheat furnace to allow billet discharging at a higher temperature and in line with the mill - to be executed by Danieli Centro Combustion.
Commissioning of the newly upgraded line is expected in the last quarter of 2021.
The combination of billet welding and spooling technologies maximize the yield (up to 99%) because of the endless production process.
Twist-free spooled coils add value to final products because they do not require uncoiling and recoiling operations before downstream processing.
This will be first billet welder and third spooler line supplied to Nucor Steel in the past two years.
The two spoolers are in operation at Sedalia (Missouri) and Frostproof (Florida) minimills, both of which feature Danieli endless casting rolling technology.
- Mirko Dorigo
- +1 (724) 584-6323