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service news

2021, 9th August

Extensive training package for cold-mill complex

Tashkent Metallurgical Plant team trained at Danieli Service

Uzbek cold-rolled galvanized and color-coated flat products producer Tashkent Metallurgical Plant (TMZ) relied on Danieli to supply a greenfield cold-strip mill complex, which was installed in the industrial area of the capital of Uzbekistan.

Danieli Service drew up a detailed, 23-week training program for the operators and maintenance teams, including dedicated theoretical and practical sessions involving more than 15 Danieli specialists for a total 145 instructor man/days and 1405 trainee/days.

The training covered all the topics related to the entire cold-strip process route, namely pickling, cold rolling, galvanizing and color coating.

On-site training for operation, mechanical and electrical maintenance and automation carried out at similar installations, followed the in-class training held at Danieli Headquarters in Italy.

The value of delivered training service was proved by the evaluation results of the TMZ team, and confirmed by TMZ management writing: “... The training was organized at a high professional level, due to the competent work of qualified instructors, making the interesting learning process, affordable and effective. Based on the results of the two stages of training, the specialists received good theoretical knowledge and practical experience at similar plants, which are necessary for the performance of the work ...”.

For more info:
  • Mauro Codato
  • +39 349 800 3013