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new orders
2019, 15th July
Large-Scale Revamp for Metra Group Extrusion Press
Danieli Breda project will increase extrusion force and product size
The largest extrusion press installed for Metra at Rodengo Saiano, Italy, will be revamped by Danieli Breda. Supplied by DB as a 55-MN short-stroke press, the line will be updated to operate with greater force at 75 MN, processing billets up to 2,100 mm long.
This latest order follows the previous, successful revamp to increase extrusion force from 31 to 40 MN.
In addition, the line will be converted from the current back-loading design to a front-loading operation.
An extremely aggressive project follow-up and smart engineering solution to overcome the tight time schedule are the keys of the new order.
All the presses installed in Rodengo Saiano have been supplied or revamped by DB, and the long-standing partnership with the Metra Group, beginning in the 1980s, is the result of mutual confidence, engineering flexibility and strong commitment from both sides.
- Paolo Fraternale
- +39 346 021 4160