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academy news
2023, 7th February
Metallurgy Course at the University of Trieste
Expert-led lessons for real-world knowledge
Danieli recently teamed up with the University of Trieste to offer a series of hands-on lessons in steelmaking. The goal of this collaboration was to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world practice by providing students with a comprehensive and practical understanding of the metallurgical industry.
During the course, students learned about various topics, including rolling, direct reduction, process lines, and green technologies, through a total of 16 hours of lessons.
To complement their educational experience, Danieli also organized a visit to the advanced wirerod mill, ABS QWR 4.0. This opportunity allowed students to experience a steelmaking plant up close and enrich their academic training.
Such collaborations are crucial in helping students develop a deeper understanding of the metallurgical industry and in promoting the sharing of expertise between industry professionals and the next generation of engineers. This type of partnership provides students with valuable insights into the industry and equips them with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in their careers. Additionally, it gives industry professionals opportunity to trade in their engineer's suits for professor's robes and share their expertise with the young talents.
Thank you to the students who participated in this program. Your enthusiasm and dedication to learning has been truly inspiring, and we wish you all the best in your future endeavors.
A special thank you and to Professor Sbaizero Orfeo, who made this collaboration possible. Your role in providing this educational opportunity is greatly appreciated, and your contribution to the development of the next generation of engineers is invaluable.