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2022, 27th October

New BOF converter for Dillingen

Breakthrough converter project for Danieli Corus in Germany

AG der Dillinger Hüttenwerke has awarded Danieli Corus a contract for the replacement of converter #1 at its integrated works in Dillingen, Germany.

The new converter will have a 200-t tapping weight and will be designed to meet the client’s objective to continue high-performance steelmaking operation over a long and safe campaign.

The converter vessel will be equipped with a detachable bottom and the suspension design will rely on vertical “Lamella” type elements, and the patented horizontal “Daniella” suspension design.

This is an EPC project, and the commissioning of the new BOF is expected by end 2023.

This will be the seventeenth converter replacement project for Danieli Corus and the first one in Germany.

For more info:
  • Edo Engel
  • +31 62 42 38 885