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plants startup

2019, 8th October

New Danieli large bloom caster in operation at Valin Xiangtan

The caster features innovative withdrawal units design to perform simultaneous soft and hard reduction

The brand new, 14-m five-strand bloom caster was started successfully after less than 13 months from the contract signature. A joint effort of Valin and Danieli site teams made possible machine erection in just 38 days, limiting the cold tests to just 11 days.

Presently the caster is producing a wide range of steel grades, including high-alloyed and high-carbon spring steels in square and rectangular sections, 280x280 and 350x430 mm.

Many performance activities have been accomplished and full commissioning will be completed very soon, with Valin’s satisfaction.

This is the first caster in the world operating with different withdrawal units along the line performing simultaneous soft and hard reduction, to further optimize internal quality -particularly on high-carbon grades- which tend to exhibit higher porosity and segregation.

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