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2025, 28th January
New production record at ESF Feralpi Stahl
Danieli billet welding and hot-charging technologies
An impressive production record was achieved at Feralpi Stahl bar and wirerod mill “Walzwerk A” in Riesa, Germany, with an average throughput of 180 tph and peaks of 190 tph in hot-charge mode.
This was possible by using the Danieli billet welder supplied in 2022 along with the hot-charge equipment installed in January 2024, also by Danieli.
The continuously welded billets are fed at a high-capacity rate into the bar and wirerod mill supplied by Danieli in 1994.
Feralpi Stahl managed to achieve this remarkable result that demonstrates a strong confidence in the use of the Danieli billet welder, by exceeding the 165 tph of design capacity.
- Simone Concina
- +39 340 5116 037