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2022, 20th April

New six-high copper finishing mill for Siam Poongsan

Danieli Fröhling technology selected for competitive rolling of a wide range of nonferrous strip

6-high mill stand
6-high mill stand

To be installed close to Pattaya, Thailand, the new six-high cold finishing mill for Siam Poongsan Metal will roll a wide product mix of copper, brass and copper-nickel alloys competitively. Strip dimensions will range from an entry thickness of 3.0 mm down to a minimum finish thickness of 0.05 mm, at a maximum strip width of 450 mm.

Based on Danieli Fröhling six-high single-stand reversing mill technology, the mill is particularly designed to roll thin strip with focus on high quality and economical rolling performance. It is equipped with a long-stroke shifting system on the intermediate rolls for a wide range of products, as well as work and intermediate roll bending with roll thermal-crown control for accurate strip flatness.

Plant startup is expected by the end of 2023.

For more info:
  • Frank Otterbach