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plants startup

2019, 21st June

Perfect start for WRM phase 2 at Acciaierie di Verona, Pittini Group

This Is long-product rolling mill #500 for Danieli

With a shutdown lasting just three weeks, the wirerod mill extension and addition of fans for coil treatment plus the installation of a second compactor to increase wirerod mill productivity, have been completed at ADV in Italy.


The plant produces 750,000 tpy of plain and deformed wirerod from 5.5 to 21.5 mm dia., with the future possibility for plain products up to 25 mm dia.


This project represents the 500th rolling mill completed by the Danieli Team, and includes all the latest H³ equipment, processes and technologies like “Cube” ESS cantilever compact stands, Danieli Structure control for on-line heat treatment and Twin-Module Block for finishing speeds of up to 100 m/sec, with strict end-product size tolerances and ovality.

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