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new orders

2019, 12th September

QTB process for Nucor Marion bar mill

It will integrate the new mill being supplied by Danieli

Following last year’s order for a new 18-stand rolling mill, Nucor Steel has chosen Danieli to supply a new Quenching and Self-Tempering system, to be installed at the same mill in Marion, Ohio.

The Quenching and Self-Tempering process improves the mechanical properties of deformed bars, in particular the yield strength, using billets with lower alloy content.

The result is a product with final technological characteristics equal to or even better than those obtained by low-alloyed/micro-alloyed steels.

The new system is designed for rolling speeds up to 13 m/s for single and multi-strand rebar, and it is controlled by a dedicated stand-alone system provided by Danieli Automation.

Commissioning is expected in the next few months.

For more info:
  • Paolo Losso
  • +39 0432 195 8915