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new orders
2021, 12th July
Rolling mill modernization at AESW Abinsk
New Danieli ESS stands in the finishing mill for quicker product-size changes
AESW has placed a new order with Danieli for the supply of two ESS energy-saving cantilever stands which will be installed at Abinsk production site in Krasnodar region, Russia.
The Danieli ESS stands will replace housingless stands 15 and 16 as part of a rolling mill for rebar supplied by another plantmaker.
The new cantilever stands will ensure the reduction of the product-size changing time for rebars 8-25 mm-dia, increase the rolling tolerances and maximize the mill utilization factor.
AESW already operates Danieli cantilever stands in rolling mill #2 (the second Danieli wirerod mill supplied by Danieli to the Russian steelmaker), and this will lead to spare parts optimization.
The commissioning is planned by mid 2022.
Abinsk is continuously working with Danieli on new product and production strategies.
- Andrea Londero
- +7 (985) 106 69 00