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2022, 22nd July
Second Energiron® DRI plant in China
Baosteel selects Energiron® ZR technology for its new 1 Mtpy project
Leading China’s steel producer Baosteel Zhanjiang Iron & Steel entrusted Energiron® alliance (Tenova and Danieli) for its new direct reduction plant to be installed Zhanjiang Economic and Technological Zone, in the Guangdong Province, China.
Featuring Energiron® ZR –Zero Reformer technology it will produce 1 Mtpy of quality DRI by using natural gas, coke-oven gas, and hydrogen up to 100%.
Baosteel Zhanjiang will be the largest hydrogen-based DR plant in China and in the world, capable of lowering carbon dioxide emissions thanks to the extensive use of hydrogen and the intrinsic capacity of Energiron® DRI plants to capture the CO2 generated by the reduction process.
The DRI produced by Baosteel Zhanjiang will satisfy the need of virgin DRI of the group.
The startup of the innovative plant is scheduled by beginning 2024.
Baosteel Zhanjiang order follows the one received from HBIS for the first DRI plant in China, awarded to Energiron® alliance in 2020.
All Energiron® DRI plants are hydrogen-ready by design and can start using hydrogen as reduction gas without equipment modifications.
DRI pellets processed by Energiron® plants allow up to 96% metallization and variable carbon-content ranging from 0.5% with extensive use of hydrogen, and up 4.5% using 100% natural gas.
Energiron® is the DRI technology jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli.
- Andrea Zaninotto
- +39 340 5804195