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academy news

2019, 17th June

SH.I.VER, a Work-Based Learning Project

The closing ceremony of the work-based learning project “SH.I.VER” was held in Danieli Academy on Monday, May 27.

The project involved the secondary schools ISIS Malignani of Udine and ITI Cannizzaro of Catania in cooperation with Danieli. 
“SH.I.VER” is the acronym of SHare, Innovate & VERify, and its aims are sharing the experiences gained and innovating the current operating methods, thus making technical improvements by verifying choices for a constant innovation. 

Malignani and Cannizzaro met the challenge that Danieli Research Center threw down to the two schools: finding innovative solutions to reduce the issues related to steel hot oxidation during continuous casting and hot rolling.  

During the closing ceremony of the works, the students synthetized the activities performed, thus highlighting the importance of a rapprochement between students and the professional world.