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new orders

2019, 26th June

Minyuan Iron and Steel Group co., Ltd. orders high-speed, high-capacity bar mill from Danieli

Featuring advanced multi-strand slit-rolling system

Minyuan Iron and Steel Group co., Ltd., China, ordered from Danieli a new mill for 12- to 40-mm rebar, produced at up to 240 tph from a 165-mm, 2,300-Kg billet.


The main equipment to be installed includes four SHS housingless stands followed by two four-pass finishing blocks. Through an advanced multi-strand slit-rolling system, rebars from 12 to 22 mm will be rolled on two strands at finishing speed higher than 40 mps. On-line water-cooling system will ensure a final product with ultrafine grain structure (UFG process).


A double high-speed twin channel performing fast discharge of the bars on the cooling bed will complete the supply. 

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