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plants startup

2022, 14th February

Strategic training at La Farga FRHC copper rod plant

Rain Floods Trading team acquiring vital production know-how before plant startup

Covered by several patents, the La Farga FRHC (Fire-Refined, High-Conductivity) is the most ecological copper-refining process to produce copper rod, available worldwide.

Part of a circular economy where scrap is turned into new products, thanks to lower energy consumption (up to 10 times lower than that required by the mineral-based process) and related emissions, this is the most sustainable way to produce copper rod.

Together, La Farga (process know-how) and Danieli (technological equipment and installation), offer valuable EPC plants for the successful production of FRHC copper rod from copper scrap.

Within this framework, a key part to be successful in operating the FRHC process, is the know-how transfer and personnel training carried out at the La Farga copper rod plant near Barcelona, Spain.

Currently, in view of the startup of its new plant –supplied by La Farga and Danieli, and scheduled to be on stream in Spring 2022– Rain Floods Trading technical team is attending a specializing training course in Spain.

Rain Floods Trading is a Kurdish copper-cable producer that in 2019 invested in a new complete plant for the production of 25,000-tpy FRHC copper rod, to be used as starting material for its copper cable production lines.

There, after being refined by means of a thermal process in the furnace, recycled copper scrap will be cast and continuously rolled into quality rod.

The copper rod produced through the FRHC patented process embraces the circular economy process, while accomplishing the required physical and mechanical properties for electrical applications.

For more info:
  • Nicola Pontoni
  • +39 345 137 1407