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2025, 4th March

Two, new Danieli Zerobucket EAFs for Donghua Steel EAF project

New technology trend for ironmaking transition and capacity expansion in China

A groundbreaking ceremony took place for the electric-arc furnace project of Donghua Iron & Steel, for the installation of two, new Danieli Zerobucket EAFs in Tangshan, Hebei province.

Danieli Zerobucket technology is characterized by continuous and flexible charging of metallics (scrap, DRI, HBI and hot metal), and quick tap-to-tap times.

Specifically, the two new Zerobucket EAFs of Donghua Steel will tap liquid steel every 33 minutes when operating with scrap and up to 40% of hot metal. This time includes hot metal decarburization.

The continuous feeding of preheated scrap through process off-gases, along with no-opening of the EAF roof for bucket charging, permits overall energy savings (electrical + chemical) of 50 kWh/ton.

Danieli Q-Reg electrode-regulation system will perform optimal arc control and a sand EBT filling system will ensure safe furnace operation.

Comparing with conventional EAF, Danieli Zerobucket ensures 10% lower power-on time and 40-50% lower power-off time.

In addition to increased productivity and lower energy consumption –resulting in lower operational costs– Zerobucket technology drastically reduces direct emissions.

The two new furnaces are expected to start operation in Q2 2026.

With 31 orders received in China, Danieli Zerobucket EAF technology has become a main trend for steel industry transformation and upgradation in the country.

For more info:
  • Francesco Cragnolini
  • +39 3884249740