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2019, 25th October
Ural Steel selects Danieli DANCU technology for BF modernization
Newly developed Danieli Charging Unit to bring significant step forward in efficiency
As part of the a large scale technical overhaul project for the Blast Furnace No. 2 and 3 at their Ural Steel plant in Novotroitsk, Russian steel producer Metalloinvest has selected Danieli technology for an upgrade to the top charging system of Blast Furnace No. 3.
The furnace will be equipped with a modern chute-type distributor based on hydraulics for maximum reliability and availability.
The Danieli distributor (DANCU) has only a few moving parts and it is the most straightforward, robust design in the industry.
All main components are either failure-free or redundant, ensuring unparalleled reliability.
To allow for implementation without large-scale modifications to the existing top structure of Ural Steel Blast Furnace No. 3, Danieli Centro Metallics and Danieli Corus have developed the Compact DANCU distributor.
Although it has a slightly shorter maximum chute length, it shares all of the advantages of the original DANCU distributor – including the new maintenance concept whereby all key equipment such as the distributor and main valves are conveniently positioned on rail systems or such that they can be removed and reinstalled in minimum time.
Ural Steel and Danieli are confident that the upgraded top charging unit will contribute to higher efficiency blast furnace operation with optimized coke rate.