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service news
2019, 13th August
Widening product range with targeted actions
Danieli Service do Brasil executes upgrade project at Gerdau Pindamonhangaba
Gerdau contracted Danieli to upgrade its rolling mill #3 in Pindamonhangaba, São Paulo, in order to be able to produce spring steel flat bars. The mill, producing specialty steel round bars, has recently been supplied by Danieli.
The project consisted of advisory technical services, expertise sharing, and equipment supply, including new cooling bed eccentric shafts and pneumatic apron flaps. Other on-site activities (dismantling, mounting, cold and hot commissioning) were included, too.
The first flat bars produced -ahead of schedule- already have shown optimal surface quality and metallurgical properties.
The project will continue with a second phase aiming to increase the dimensional product range.
Danieli Service, by means of its local Brazilian structure, offers: solutions to revamping projects, original spare parts, qualified technical assessment, refurbishments and consignment stock in the local workshop.
- Castenetto Marco
- +55 11 93236 6058