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plants startup

2016, 19th February

Another successful start-up for the Q-PANELS, a Danieli Centro Met Technological Package, at Baosteel Special Steel

Innovative Q-PANELS for eco-friendly OPEX saving, obtain FAC at BAOSTEEL Special Steel


Baosteel Special Steel ordered from Danieli Service China the innovative Q-PANELS, an eco-friendly OPEX-saving technological package, for its existing stainless steel EAF, to limit specific electrical consumption, reduce unplanned down-times and increase operational safety.


In November 2015, after three months of production, the FAC was signed, proving the Q-PANELS potential and allowing, thanks also to the process improvement resulting from the Q-PANELS installation, an OPEX saving of approx. 4€\ton, thus enabling a fast return on investment (ROI < 2 months).
All this was possible thanks to the innovative design that entraps the slag between the two layers of spaced tubes. The slag acts as a heat insulator, thus decreasing the water-cooled surface exposed to heat radiance, resulting in 25% less energy loss and a lifetime of more than 20,000 heats.

The BAOSTEEL results prove that the Q-PANELS technological package is key to reducing transformation costs in the increasingly eco-friendly modern EAF.