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academy news
2015, 2nd December
Occupational safety and health: Danieli illustrates its own best practices
Danieli hosted the visit of 30 engineering students from the University of Trieste
On Monday, 30 November 2015, Danieli hosted the visit of 30 engineering students from the University of Trieste accompanied by Professor Claudio Pantanali holding the course of "Occupational Safety and Health”.
The visit was divided into three parts:
1) Presentation of the Danieli Group – Danieli Academy;
2) Occupational safety at Danieli – Danieli Academy;
3) Visit to the Danieli Workshops.
The meeting was focused on illustrating the evolution of occupational safety management in the company to the attending students.
Innovation and attention to safety within the company’s different working environments have made it possible to exponentially reduce the number and seriousness of accidents, which have remained lower than the national average of the Italian metalworking and mechanical engineering industries.
“Safety comes first”: this is the company philosophy which has enabled Danieli & C. SPA to become a leader also in this field, providing our employees with suitable training and allowing them to work in healthy and safe environments.