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plants startup

2016, 23rd February

voestalpine Wire Rod Austria: H³ Danieli Rolling Mill starts up 3 weeks in advance of schedule

On February 09th, 2016 the first test coils of wire rod have been produced

Thanks to teamwork and intensive programming, voestalpine and Danieli together have started up the new H³ Rolling Mill for wire rod and bar-in-coil production in Leoben – Austria.

This is one of the biggest projects for high quality steel in Europe and the plant is the most modern worldwide and concentrates Danieli’s finest technology in wire-rod and bar-in-coil production for automotive industry.

The following innovative elements are provided:

SHSplus stands,
Pre-finishing, finishing and sizing blocks with M² multiple drive technology;
Controlled cooling systems for low temperature rolling allowing the “any-size-at-any-time” production concept;
Last generation high speed shears and laying heads “oil-film bearing”, patented type;
Wire rod controlled cooling systems with rotary reforming and easy down systems integrated with “SUNDCO” transport for both wire rod and bar-in-coils.

The whole equipment is fully managed and robotized by the Danieli Automation advanced level 2 and 3 systems.