MI.DA. ESC-Energy Saving Compact plants
From “Mini” to “Micro” Mills and the Evolution to “Nano” Mill, up to the Latest “ESC” Energy Saving Compact Minimill
Since their beginning, Minimills have grown in size to capture economies of scale and now have reached capacities exceeding 1,000,000 tons per year. From the early 1970s, the Minimill philosophy has been based on low-investment, minimal manning, and low-operating cost plants, and intended to serve specific geographic areas with a good balance between scrap supply and finished product market.
Over the years, the Danieli Group and several of its customers have worked together closely in order to come up with the right idea to fulfill this vision. Minimills have become a complement to the conventional integrated steel production complexes for the competitiveness they have shown in producing commercial grades in bars, wire rod and spooled bars. In addition, they are the most convenient way to recycle the scrap available in industrialized countries, or to use raw materials in developing countries without having to resort to large investments and infrastructures. After the 1980s, and with more installations supplied worldwide, the Minimill evolution that started in 1976 with the first complex built in Italy has seen high-capacity integrated Minimills in the Middle East countries, “region-market” Micromills and Nanomills, and the recent introduction of the ESC environmental-friendly type Minimills for commercial grade bars.