Billet casters

Continuous Casting Machine solutions: Fastest, Best in Quality

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Danieli Centro Met has the capability to supply billet casters for any potential requirement of the steel market. With a radii ranging from 6 to 12 m, our curved casting machines are able to produce billets in both square and round formats and in the range from 100 mm up to 200 mm of commercial and special steel grades.

Danieli Centro Met solutions include:

  • The Lean Cast®, a simple and compact solution that is designed for a yearly productivity from 100’000 to 300’000 tons of commercial grades.
  • With a rational layout and a main radius of 6 or 7m, the Lean Cast® is capable to produce commercial grades with an output of up to 30 tph per strand. The Lean Cast® is one of the key components of the Danieli Nano Mills® to provide highly competitive solutions with limited CAPEX.
  • The Fast Cast®, the best solution for those applications requiring the highest productivity at the lowest operating cost. The combination of unique technologies such as the Power Mould® and the Fast Cast Cube®  brings the strand casting capacity to ultimate levels, up to 75tph for commercial grades. With a typical radius ranging from 9 to 10m, and with configurations of up to 12 strands, the Fast Cast ® provides a productivity of up to 2’400’000 tons per year.
  • The Quality Cast, the market leading technology to produce special grades of carbon steel and stainless steel. The machines  have a radius from 9 to 12m and are equipped with submerged stream casting, and with a full set of technological packages to achieve prime quality levels without compromises.
  • MiDaTM, the heart of the Endless Casting and Rolling process, providing up to 23-hours of uninterrupted production at more than 50 tph.