Electric Arc Furnaces

FastArc™ is the trademark for a state-of-the-art electric steelmaking process technology that optimizes melt shop practices according to the available types of ferrous charge materials.

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Danieli Centro Met offers a complete range of melting units -high-impedance AC EAFs, single and twin-cathode DC EAFs- with the capacity for producing heat sizes from 5 to 420 t with the world’s most powerful twin-DC EAF and the jumbo AC EAF (320 tph). Raw material may be up to 100% scrap or various mixes of hot metal, pig iron, DRI (hot and/or cold) and HBI, utilizing electrical and chemical energy, according to unit costs and power grid characteristics. EAF operation can be made fully automatic by applying a series of technological packages to optimize the process, to be selected on a case-by-case basis depending on the performance figures to be achieved.