Slab Grinders

Top Technology and quality in inspection and grinding of Flat Products

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Danieli Centro Maskin's leadership in the production of grinding equipment dates to the early ‘50s when a new concept for surface conditioning was introduced, based on stationary grinding machines. This innovative design increased plant production capacities and set new safety and environmental standards for noise, fumes, and dust control.

The surface conditioning process has been further developed through the supply of grinding machines to some of the most important specialty steel, stainless steel and super alloy producers in the world. In 1995 Danieli Centro Maskin supplied the world’s first in-line hot slab grinding-conditioning system, the patented CastGrind process, which provides high material-removal rates and ensures a continuous material flow from the conticaster to the hot rolling mill.

Since then, 45 CastGrind plants have been supplied for conditioning stainless as well as  low/medium carbon and automotive grades as a primary alternative to scarfing, on a total of more than 200 slab grinders supplied overall.

All plants are now equipped with the Danieli Hi-Grind system, the still unparalleled package designed to ensure full control of the grinding depth and consistency in the resulting yield of the conditioning plant.

Presently we are supplying these fully automated plants with ultra-high-power spindles (HGS600 SuperGrinders and HGS1000 MegaGrinders), ensuring output over 1M tpy, and defined by a competitive Capex and OpEx and extremely limited environmental impact.