Turnkey plants
Turnkey supply offers a unique responsibility for: engineering procurement,
technology performance, construction, commissioning and technical
assistance, for metal and steel processing plants, with related auxiliary plants.
Time, Capex and quality of a project implementation is the essence of a
Turnkey plant execution.

Danieli has achieved a vast experience in BOP (Balance of Plant) Supply, in particular on turnkey projects in which they play a fundamental role in successful production and protecting the environment surrounding the industrial plant. Danieli can supply and start up all types and sizes of Auxiliary Plants and Systems needed to ensure reliable and effective production, managing the various and complex issues related to the steel process.
The BOP Supply includes:
- Water Treatment Plants
- Gases Production Section (Compressed Air Plants, Air Separation Plants, Steam Production Systems, Hydrogen Production Plants)
- Natural Gas Measuring & Reduction Station
- Fuel and LPG Storage Systems
- Workshops, Laboratories with Pneumatic Post System
- Ventilation & Air Conditioning Systems
- Firefighting Systems
- Mobile Equipment

Danieli is able to manage any type of projects, starting from EP (Engineering and Procurement) basis through EPC (Engineering Procurement and Construction) up to full Turn Key supply. Different technologies integration with their relevant auxiliaries plants allow to reduce project execution time optimizing engineering and automation system, standardizing component and equipment supply that means higher reliability of the plant minimizing operational and capital spare parts stocks; finally to optimize project and to be “A step ahead in Capex and Opex”.
A superficial analysis, obtaining a lower consumption of water and lower operating costs seems to be a dream. In fact, in many cases Danieli has proven to customers that the rational and smart application of available, innovative technologies makes possibile the simultaneous achievement of these goals.
Danieli know-how in
integrated iron and steel projects
It covers all the activities relevant to Engineering, technological Equipment and Spare procurement, project Management, Training and Advisory Services for erection and commissioning phases while Customer takes care of the Construction portion (meanly Civil works, Steel building procurement and Erection execution). This kind of contract is commonly requested for the upgrading of existing facilities and/or by Customer that has huge experience on Construction portion execution and management. Danieli provide the unique technological responsibility assisting Customer during all the project execution.